
Pictures about our landscape tours

Photos from our land tours – discover Cyprus‘ versatility

Which event can we accompany you to? Let yourself be inspired by our gallery and find your interests. Cyprus offers so much variety, so many different cultures and landscapes, cities, ancient buildings, lost worlds and secret places. Join us on your own personal journey of discovery.

Here you find Pics from this tours and events:

private guided tour-visist larnaca-sightseeing tourtime for lovers-romantic tour-private guided tourprivate guided tour-landscapetour-bath of adonisprivate guided tour-kremiotis waterfall-

private guided tour-cape greco-nature parkprivate guided tour-troodos mountain-omodos-millomeris waterfallprivate guided tour-cyprus sightseeing-famagusta private tour

private guided tour-bellapais monastary-st hilarion castel

Cape Greco – national nature park – pics from our private tour

private guided tour-cape greco-nature parkAt Cape Greco you will find truly unique nature, wild coasts and culture.

Our half-day tour to the Cape Greco region offers a little bit of everything: Adventure, romance, enjoying nature, experiencing nature.

A wild coast with spectacular caves and natural bridges, the Tree of Lovers, a small church on the cliffs are waiting for you.

Cape Greco is completely protected and, with its diversity and variety, is the perfect place to switch off completely and also switch off during the tour.

In between, if you like, you can relax a little on the beach and swim, with a drink and a snack of course.

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Kremiotis Waterfall – New pics from our secret places tour

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The Kremiotis waterfalls in Cyprus are a fantastic and indescribable natural beauty. And this rather unknown place is also adventurous.

Experience and discover a journey into a fairytale world far away from the tourist buses, a tour to a secret place in Cyprus.

Spectacular colours, almost jungle-like.

Discover plants and creatures that can only be found here in Cyprus.

Your thirst for discovery and exploration is sure to be quenched.

Take a look at the photos and book your own private space today.

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Time for Lovers – Pics from our private tour event

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Our Time for Lovers event is very popular. Always very personal to our guests, always something new.
Let yourself be transported to a romantic, mystical world, set against the perfect backdrop of the Tree of Lovers, the Bridge of Lovers and the rugged coastline of Cape Greco.

An event that will not only appeal to couples who have just fallen in love, but is also perfect as a birthday gift, wedding anniversary gift or simply as a surprise.

Take a look at the photos and let them sink in. Book now and enjoy a few unforgettable hours with your partner.
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Salamis – ancient city pics

private guided tour-cyprus sightseeing-famagusta private tour

The large ancient city of Salamis/Cyprus near Famagusta survived successive occupations by numerous peoples such as the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians and Romans throughout its history, but eventually had to surrender to the forces of nature.

Today, the site covers an area of one square mile along the coast and offers a glimpse back into the past.

According to Homer’s legend, Salamis was founded by the Trojan War archer Teuker, the son of King Telamon, whose second wife Hesione was a daughter of King Laomedon of Troy. Through this lineage, Teucer was a cousin of the legendary Hector and Paris of Troy, against whom Teucer fought in the Trojan War.

Would you like to go on a journey through time with us? Then book our tour to Salamis and Famagusta right away. more »

Famagusta – Old Town + Ghosttown – Pics

private guided tour-cyprus sightseeing-famagusta private tour

The old town of Famagusta is so steeped in history that it could be described as one big open-air museum. Here, among the ruins, you can explore a romantic setting full of palm trees and bougainvillea. Over the centuries, the city has been ruled by different rulers and cultures, which is reflected in the buildings and architecture.

The old town is surrounded by a stone wall built by the Lusignans around 1300. What makes this wall so special is that it is so well preserved and intact.

Want to see it all live? Book your tour today. more »

St. Hilarion Castle – Pics

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St Hilarion Castle stands at 732m and is very well preserved. Walls and towers seem to grow randomly out of the rock, giving the castle a fairytale appearance. It is even said that Walt Disney used it as a model for the castle in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Not only beautiful, but it also has a fascinating history dating back in the eraly middle age. From its cultural importance in the Middle Ages St, Hilarion Castle is a true treasure to be admired.

Book our St Hilarion Castle and Bellapais combo tour and see for yourself. more »

Bellapais Monastary – Pics from our Tours

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Nestled in the hills of the picturesque village of Bellapais, this abbey is simply stunning. Not only is it beautiful, but it also has a fascinating history dating back to the 13th century.

From its cultural importance as a centre for intellectuals and artists in the Middle Ages to its remarkable architecture and décor, Bellapais Abbey is a true treasure to be admired.

Book our St Hilarion Castle and Bellapais combo tour and see for yourself. more »


private guided tour visit larnacaLarnaca offers you an incredible amount.

Modern times meet history.

From the Roman aquaduct, a Crusader fort, mosques, churches of different faiths, salt lakes with seasonal thousands of flamingos, modern promenades, countless shops and restaurants, you’ll find it all here!

Our private and very individually guided tour takes you to all the sights without long walking distances.

Before we drive you back to your hotel, we will visit a typical Cypriot restaurant and enjoy a local lunch.

You´re interested? Than book now, just a cklick on the pic.

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Troodos Mountains – pics from our tours with Omodos village and Millomeris waterfall

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Our tour into the Troodos Mountainsoffers you very different vegetation zones, idyllic villages, medieval bridges that were already used by the Crusaders, dams and the possibility to take home delicacies from the mountains.

In wintertime from 1000m upwards there may be a big surprise: snow. Snow then also at the Millomeris waterfall, sunshine in Laneia and Omodos and finally a delicious wine tasting at the winegrower.

Troodos Mountain offers an incredible amount and our tours are always individual and unique.

See for yourself and book your private tour today

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