
Adventure – Lost Places Tours

Discover unknown, lost and forgotten places in Cyprus

Are you interested in something out of the ordinary? Are you an explorer who likes to get off the beaten track? Then join us to discover unknown and forgotten places.

Unusual villages, abandoned towns and old mines, hidden waterfalls, medieval bridges, incredible and completely unexpected nature and much more are waiting to be explored by you.

Our thirst for knowledge is far from quenched and our expeditions continue.

You are now cordially invited to join us in these places.

We look forward to meeting you and your spirit of discovery.

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Kremiotís Waterfall – a secret place like a fairytale

private guided tour-kremiotis waterfall-

A Secret Places Tour with Sancytours into a fairytale world. Discover with us one of the most magical places in Cyprus. The Kremiotis waterfall is definitely a place you will remember forever.

You won’t think you’re in Cyprus, you’ll feel like you’re in a jungle or a fantasy film where you discover forgotten worlds, because it’s green and overgrown with moss. The access to the waterfall is exciting. The path that leads to the waterfall ends at the back of the waterfall, so you can get to the front of the waterfall through a small tunnel, 4 to 5 metres long. An adventure, but well worth it! A footbridge has recently been built around the waterfall so you no longer have to go through the tunnel.

Tour price, 2 persons 349Euro
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Bath of Adonis – a mystical place with a waterfall

private guide Tour Adonis BathA place of mysticism and beauty!

The Mavrokolympos stream flows through a gorge and a waterfall forms on a slope. Over the centuries the water has eroded the rock and formed a small lake.

You can also swim in the small lake below the waterfall in this almost unspoilt, exotic setting. Who knows, you might even feel like Adonis with his Aphrodite.

Come with us to visit and enjoy one of the few still relatively unknown idyllic places in Cyprus.
Tour price for 2 persons 349Euro

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Lost places – then copper mines, today natural oases

For centuries, Cyprus was the largest copper producer and exporter in the ancient world. Pure copper or its alloys were the basis for the development of the great civilisations on the island.
Without doubt, Cyprus contributed to the technical progress of the entire Mediterranean world with its copper.

In the course of time, of course, many mining areas were exhausted and fell into oblivion. Come with us in search of forgotten and lost places, marvel at how nature has created new oases of life or what variety of colours we can discover in the rock formations.

Tour group price from 299 Euro
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