

private guided tour visit larnacaLarnaca offers you an incredible amount.

Modern times meet history.

From the Roman aquaduct, a Crusader fort, mosques, churches of different faiths, salt lakes with seasonal thousands of flamingos, modern promenades, countless shops and restaurants, you’ll find it all here!

Our private and very individually guided tour takes you to all the sights without long walking distances.

Before we drive you back to your hotel, we will visit a typical Cypriot restaurant and enjoy a local lunch.

You´re interested? Than book now, just a cklick on the pic.

Larnaca Castle

Larnaca by the way

Halan Sultan Tekke Mosque

St. Lazarus Church

Salt lakes and flamingos

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Author: Jürgen Derichs am 14. Aug 2023 13:14, category: Pictures about our landscape tours, comments per feed RSS 2.0, comments closed.

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