
September 2023

Salamis – ancient city pics

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The large ancient city of Salamis/Cyprus near Famagusta survived successive occupations by numerous peoples such as the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians and Romans throughout its history, but eventually had to surrender to the forces of nature.

Today, the site covers an area of one square mile along the coast and offers a glimpse back into the past.

According to Homer’s legend, Salamis was founded by the Trojan War archer Teuker, the son of King Telamon, whose second wife Hesione was a daughter of King Laomedon of Troy. Through this lineage, Teucer was a cousin of the legendary Hector and Paris of Troy, against whom Teucer fought in the Trojan War.

Would you like to go on a journey through time with us? Then book our tour to Salamis and Famagusta right away. more »

Famagusta – Old Town + Ghosttown – Pics

private guided tour-cyprus sightseeing-famagusta private tour

The old town of Famagusta is so steeped in history that it could be described as one big open-air museum. Here, among the ruins, you can explore a romantic setting full of palm trees and bougainvillea. Over the centuries, the city has been ruled by different rulers and cultures, which is reflected in the buildings and architecture.

The old town is surrounded by a stone wall built by the Lusignans around 1300. What makes this wall so special is that it is so well preserved and intact.

Want to see it all live? Book your tour today. more »

Famagusta – Things to know

The city was founded around 274 BC by Ptolemy II after Salamis had been severely damaged by an earthquake. Arsinoe was described in the first century BC by Strabon in his Geographica as a „fishing town“. It remained a small fishing village for a long time. Later, when Salamis was gradually cleared during the Arab invasion under Muawiyah I, it developed into a small port.

The turning point for Famagusta from a small village to a town came in 1192 with the onset of Lusignan rule. It was during this period that Famagusta developed into a fully fledged town. It became increasingly important in the Eastern Mediterranean because of its natural harbour and the walls that protected its inner city. Its population began to grow.

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Famagusta – Salamis

Visit the old town of Famagusta and step back in time with its imposing buildings and churches.

And visit with us the ancient city of Salamis with amphitheatre , columns and baths

Our tour adapts to your wishes so that you have enough time for what interests you most.

Tour groupe price from 349 Euro
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St. Hilarion and Bellapais – historic castle and monastery

Our private tour takes you to two places that will transport you to the romantic world of the Middle Ages with its knights, nobles and kings. Explore with us at the best-preserved St. Hilarion castle in Cyprus, with the vast fortress complex with its towers offering spectacular views.

We then visit the Gothic Bellapais Monastery, which is also very well preserved and impressive. No less interesting is the small mountain village with its houses, restaurants and small shops.

Tour group price from 349 Euro

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