
September 2023

St. Hilarion Castle – Pics

private guided tour-bellapais monastary-st hilarion castel

St Hilarion Castle stands at 732m and is very well preserved. Walls and towers seem to grow randomly out of the rock, giving the castle a fairytale appearance. It is even said that Walt Disney used it as a model for the castle in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Not only beautiful, but it also has a fascinating history dating back in the eraly middle age. From its cultural importance in the Middle Ages St, Hilarion Castle is a true treasure to be admired.

Book our St Hilarion Castle and Bellapais combo tour and see for yourself. more »

St. Hilarion and Bellapais – Things to know

Bellapais Abbey is now the ruins of a monastery built in the 13th century on the northern outskirts of the small village of Bellapais in northern Cyprus, about five kilometres from the town of Kyrenia. The monastery is situated at an altitude of 220 metres above sea level and offers a wide view of Kyrenia and the Mediterranean Sea.

The site was once the residence of the Bishop of Kyrenia and a refuge from Arab attacks in the 7th and 8th centuries. The first inhabitants known to have settled here or nearby were the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre, who fled after Saladin’s conquest of Jerusalem in 1187. The Canons were the guardians of the Holy Sepulchre. more »

Lefkara – Things to know

Kato Lefkara is a village in the mountains, about 35 km from Larnaka.
The landscape is criss-crossed by small rivers.
Kato Lefkara borders Pano Lefkara to the northwest, Pano and Kato Lefkara being two completely separate and independent villages, but sharing a common cultural background.

Until Ottoman rule, there was no separation between Kato and Pano Lefkara. Earlier sources mention Lefkara as a single settlement, which was apparently Pano Lefkara, while Kato Lefkara was founded by displaced Greeks.

The first written mention of Lefkara with its present name comes from Saint Neophytos in his Standard Testament, in which he reports that he was born in Lefkara in 1134. more »

Famagusta – Salamis

Visit the old town of Famagusta and step back in time with its imposing buildings and churches.

And visit with us the ancient city of Salamis with amphitheatre , columns and baths

Our tour adapts to your wishes so that you have enough time for what interests you most.

Tour groupe price from 349 Euro
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Lefkara, a world-renowned mountain village. The traditional silverwork and textile craftsmanship here have attracted kings and lords.

Situated in the mountains, this village has been almost completely renovated, but without changing the style and atmosphere.


On this tour, you not only have the opportunity to watch the craftsmen, but also to buy something directly from the manufacturer.
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Cape Greco Region – Things to know

Capo Greco is a coastal area in the south-east of Cyprus. It is known for its stunning natural beauty with steep cliffs, crystal clear waters and a unique mix of flora and fauna.

Capo Greco is perhaps the most beautiful and diverse region of Cyprus. It is known for its breathtaking natural beauty with rugged cliffs, crystal clear waters and a unique mix of flora and fauna. Whether you want to relax on the beach, explore nature or learn about the history and culture of the region.

Capo Greco in Cyprus offers something for everyone.

Here you find some information about the most famous landmarks in this area more »

St. Hilarion and Bellapais – historic castle and monastery

Our private tour takes you to two places that will transport you to the romantic world of the Middle Ages with its knights, nobles and kings. Explore with us at the best-preserved St. Hilarion castle in Cyprus, with the vast fortress complex with its towers offering spectacular views.

We then visit the Gothic Bellapais Monastery, which is also very well preserved and impressive. No less interesting is the small mountain village with its houses, restaurants and small shops.

Tour group price from 349 Euro

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Nicosia – Things to know

Nicosia is located in the interior of the island of Cyprus and is therefore less suitable for a typical beach holiday than Larnaka, Protaras or Agia Napa on the coast. But the city, which is over 2,500 years old, has a rich cultural heritage. This applies to the Greek-influenced south as well as the Turkish-influenced north.

Because of its strategic location between Europe, Asia Minor and the Levant, Cyprus has always been a point of contention. Many ruled here: Greeks and Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders and Genoese, but also the Ottoman Empire, which ceded Cyprus to Great Britain.

It was not until 1960 that Cyprus became independent and Nicosia became the capital of the young state. In the following decades, however, there was repeated unrest between Greek and Turkish nationalists. This led to the division of the city, which continues to this day. In the meantime, both sides are getting closer again and there is an open border crossing in Ledra Street that connects the two halves of the city. more »

Nicosia – Time travel through a divided city

Nicosia, a divided city. A city where the Oxident meets the Orient in a tangible way. Our tour takes you to some of the many sights without overloading and stressing you out. Explore the old town, cross the border here, enjoy the oriental flair and lunch.

Our tour adapts to your wishes so that you have enough time for what interests you most.

Tour price from 329 Euro
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