
Troodos Mountains – pics from our tours with Omodos village and Millomeris waterfall

private guided tour-troodos mountain-omodos-millomeris waterfall

Our tour into the Troodos Mountainsoffers you very different vegetation zones, idyllic villages, medieval bridges that were already used by the Crusaders, dams and the possibility to take home delicacies from the mountains.

In wintertime from 1000m upwards there may be a big surprise: snow. Snow then also at the Millomeris waterfall, sunshine in Laneia and Omodos and finally a delicious wine tasting at the winegrower.

Troodos Mountain offers an incredible amount and our tours are always individual and unique.

See for yourself and book your private tour today

private guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos villageprivate guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos villageprivate guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos villageprivate guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos village

private guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos villageprivate guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos villageprivate guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos villageprivate guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos village

private guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos villageprivate guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos villageprivate guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos villageprivate guide tour-troodos mountain-millomeris waterfall-omodos village

Suprise, suprise… winter wonderland Troodos Mountains Cyprus

Troodos by the way

Laneia – beautiful village, absolute silence….

Millomeris Waterfall Trail

Omodos – idyll that invites you to stay

At last Wine tasting, it was so funny

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Author: Jürgen Derichs am 14. Aug 2023 13:12, category: Pictures about our landscape tours, comments per feed RSS 2.0, comments closed.

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