
Troodos Mountains – Things to know

private guided tour-troodos mountain-kouris dam-Omodos-waterfallA visit to the Troodos Mountains is an absolute must. The peaks are up to 2000 metres high. In winter they are covered with snow and even allow winter sports. Discover with us picturesque villages with houses in traditional architecture, vineyards, terraced slopes and beautiful nature trails.

Waterfalls, dense forests, in between medieval bridges over rivers (actually streams), untouched nature, small and large reservoirs, narrow roads and dreamy villages. Where can I find all this? In the Troodos Mountains!

Here you find some information about the famous landmarks we visit in this area


The picturesque, beautiful wine village of Omodos is located at 800 meters in the Troodos Mountains, in the Krasochoria region. It is not so far from Lemesos (Limassol) and is one of the most traditional and charming villages in Cyprus.

It has existed since the Frankish era and is represented on old maps of Cyprus as ‚Homodos‘ or ‚Homoclos‘. The name of the village goes back to the Greek word for street (‚odos‘).

Omodos is famous for its wine, zivania pomace brandy, handmade and tightly woven lace, and aromatic arkatena (crispy rusks with yeast).

Omodos is a very small village but has many interesting sights to offer. Close to each other are the cobbled village square, old and stone-built houses, local wineries, a medieval wine press (also called wine press) and the Monastery of Timios Stavros (Monastery of the Holy Cross) with ancient icons and impressive wood carvings. There is also a National Liberation Struggle Museum, a Crafts Preservation Center for handmade and tightly woven lace, and an Icon Museum.

Sunken church of Alassa
The Kouris Reservoir is the largest reservoir in Cyprus and is located in the lower part of the Troodos Mountains. Water from several springs and the River Kouris feed this drinking water reservoir. Construction was completed in 1988 and the old village of Alassa was flooded by the dam. The village of the same name was rebuilt further upstream and all the inhabitants relocated.
During the dry season, when the water level drops, the spire of St Nicholas‘ Church rises above the surface of the water, providing an impressive photo opportunity. If the summer has been very dry, you can even walk into the old church with dry feet.

private guided tour-troodos mountain-kouris dam- sunken churchprivate guided tour-troodos mountain-kouris dam- sunken church


The Village of Painters. Many visitors to Cyprus simply have no idea what a miracle lies behind this name! Painters, writers and people who value comfort and tranquility fall in love with this place. A lot of creative people who come to the island deliberately choose this village because they are fascinated by the beauty of the mountainous landscape surrounding the village and the narrow little streets. That is why Laneia is called the village of painters.

Unsubstantiated sources say that after the death of vineyards in France, King Henry himself came to Laneia in search of healthy vine plantations. The villagers gave the king some vines, later planted on his native French soil to make champagne wines. Today Laneia is one of only ten villages in the region that produce the basis for Commandaria, the most famous Cypriot dessert wine, aged in oak barrels.

Millomeris Waterfall

At the beginning of our tour, we will try to leave the stress of everyday life behind and visit one of the most beautiful natural places in Cyprus. This beautiful place is the Millomeris falls.The name of the waterfalls is derived from the combination of two words. Millos and Meros. Millos means wet in the Cypriot dialect and Meros means place, hence Millomeris denotes a wet place. The waterfall carries the waters of the Kryo Nero River, which also feeds the Caledonia Falls.

There are three ways to get to the falls. We´ll ask you which one you like. A short trip just a few minutes, a longer way about 1.5km or even short, but steep and downhill. Choose the right path to Millomeris waterfalls that suits you and relax in the heart of nature when you get there.

Bridge from the Middle Ages

Take a short trip back in time to the Middle Ages. Imagine how many people, knights, peasants and merchants have crossed this bridge – this medieval bridge connected (still does) the villages of Platres and Pera Pedi and bridges the „Cold River“. An absolute place to soak up nature and take idyllic photos.

Pera Pedi Dam

Pera Pedi Dam was built in 1954/1955 about 2km north of the village of the same name. The water is used to store water for the population and also to irrigate the fertile soils. Today the dam seems a bit forgotten and lost in time, so you can also spend a few minutes here and enjoy the unique nature and romantic silence.

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Author: Jürgen Derichs am 13. Aug 2023 15:12, category: Nature Regions - Things to know, comments per feed RSS 2.0, comments closed.

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